Sunday, April 1, 2012

TO HEAL or to HURT???

TRUST ME! This is but my own logical perspection on Bipolar Support Groups online. I have for many years now been a avid participant in many groups. There is only one thing I have found interesting. ALL bipolars are DOCTORS, PHARMACOLOGIST, COUNSELORS, FRIENDS, and THE BIGGEST ENEMIE!!!  Its a place to be with only those who feel, live, and experience of the disorder we call Bipolar.

I have found that most everyone shares on the negative aspects of their illness and rarely share the awesome things we experience that many others do not usually realize. If we were not bipolar we probley would have not "HEARD" about all the wonderful people in the world that are actors, artist, literary marvels,and scientist.. Usually in our life we have those that want to cheer you up by telling you. "Do not feel bad that you are bipolar, Patty Duke is too and look at her."
BUT do they really know Patty Duke. NOT!  She is recognized for her fame and success.
I would love for once hear from others about the awesome things they do to keep well or keep the threads uplifting. That is so rare! Love your Health and Celebrate it!!!  Everyone needs that too. Advice Advice and more Advice can be dangerous. Telling people to 'OH well, just stop that med and increase that med. WE ARE NOT DOCTORS! We are there to support, share similar experiences, and how we live everyday with BP. The biggest and most crippling thing you can do for someone is to tell them something you ACTUALLY do not know to be true. If your meds changed from this to that or if YOU took yourself off of one and replaced with another will only risk anothers life and stability. ALL of our illness gets very complex hence the reason we are all subdivided by numbers and types with complex treatment regimes. Try to share about what you do to make you feel well. Things you enjoy, special interest, and share your TALENTS. We are not handicaps, special, mentally challenged or whatever else STIGMA places upon us. We are intelligent, bright, and gifted with so much to offer. If you are unstable at the time yourself do not offer unstable advice to another. That in it self is one giant MOODSWING...(ie. If we are not happy no one is happy)  THAT is harmful.        Trust in your healthcare professional to do what they do best and always share what you do best.  We are not Alone

1 comment:

Gledwood said...

Have you read Touched With Fire by Kay Redfield Jamison? It does seem that manic-depressive temperament and creativity are intertwined ...