Thursday, March 8, 2012

Seasonal Affective Disorder and effects on my bipolar

I feel as though this should be shared. My bipolar is only one of my list of mental issues, yet they all affect each other. My therapist and I like to say that "I fall back in the Fall and spring forward in the Spring." I have S.A.D. where by the seasons affect my depression and my mania. The link you may ask. In the winter months I tend to struggle with bipolar depression and in the spring I tend to have a steady climb to mania. UNTIL this year. I decided not to even think of that happening and concentrate on my relapse prevention. I had no depression and I had a sense of well being I never had before. Now I am doing the same for my spring time. This blog has really saved me. I enjoy putting my thoughts and feelings here. I am sure and confident that the way I process the seasons of the year simply by doing enjoyable things can, in fact allow a person to control symptoms of S.A.D.  seasonal affective disorder.

As I tell myself, "Be well and continue the journey!"

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